does it pay to install a solar power
does it pay to install a solar power

When saving can end badly: the whole truth about the dangers of solar power plants

More and more United Kingdom are turning to renewable energy sources - the solar industry is gaining popularity. At the same time, the number of solar installers has increased, but not all of them offer a high quality service, as the work is being taken up by people who were previously in a completely different profession. They offer lower prices than solar companies, but the savings they make can be a loss. While a simple electrician may seem like a cost-effective option, it often comes with drawbacks and risks. One of these is electrical fires. They are not frequent in Lithuania, but the damage is serious, so it is not a good idea to cut corners. When installing a solar power plant at home, it is important to prefer the skills and services of professional installers.

Increased demand has led to an increase in the number of unskilled solar installers

"Solar power plants are becoming more and more popular nowadays, so the demand for installers has increased. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of specialists. There are electricians who were previously in a completely different profession, such as plumbers, carpenters or mechanics. Those who want to install a solar power system look at prices and, as we know, a qualified installer costs money, so it is cheaper and easier to choose a less experienced one. And it doesn't matter if  they has laid pipes before," says Oliver, Managing Director of "panelsolar", a solar energy company, on the current situation of the supply of solar installers.He points out that not all new installers adopt the right technology, do not have the right tools, or opt for cheap options. The work is carried out with non-specialised equipment and without the necessary qualifications. Such installers have quickly found a place in the increased supply due to high demand. The solar plants they install often have to be repaired or dismantled.Unqualified solar installers use inappropriate tools for electrical work. "The "panelsolar" representative gives an example: a person has to install the inlet connector, while someone without the necessary knowledge may use low-quality components. The MC4 connector, which connects solar modules and inverters, is needed for such work, but is being replaced by a cheaper and less efficient version. This increases the possibility of loss and overheating of the electricity generated by the sun."We pay a lot of attention to the components used in production. They are all certified and can withstand high electrical loads. We not only ask suppliers for certificates for the components, but also for the country of origin," says Mankauskas.

Cheap power plant components do not guarantee safety

The electrical voltage generated by the solar module is huge. Choosing a cheaper and less suitable part may slightly reduce the cost of a solar power project, but it will cause problems over time. Faulty cables and wires are one of the main causes of fires in solar installations. Over time, loose or damaged components start to generate heat, increasing the risk of overheating. It is important to ensure that all cables and connectors are installed correctly when installing a solar power plant.Electricity is transferred from the solar power plant's appliances to the house via cables. These are normally installed outdoors and must therefore be protected from snow, rain and other harsh weather conditions. Insulation of cables and wires is crucial here. According to Solitek's A.Mankauskas, there are many nuances that require attention, such as the application of protective armour, the placing of cables in trays and fixing. In order to save money, the cheapest insulation options are purchased, which are not as effective as those specifically designed for solar power plants and do not protect against corrosion."I have seen an installer in a building materials shop buying the cheapest product and saying he will use it to install a solar power plant. Such craftsmen do not know whether their purchase is certified or has the necessary documentation. Solar companies certify every solution and check its performance and resistance to high voltage and weather conditions," he says.

The knowledge and experience of qualified electricians ensures the efficiency of solar installations

"A PanelSolar representative explains that it is common for people who want to install a solar power plant to ask why installation services are expensive. "The company pays for the components used, which are reliable, and the installation is carried out by an experienced and qualified professional. Don't forget that it's not only the roof of the house that can be damaged by parts that can't withstand the voltage and get hot, for example. The cost of a solar power plant is a pittance compared to the cost of a house and its restoration," explains the solar energy company.Human error can have a major impact on safety in solar power installations. It is also important how much companies invest in the installer himself. The solar industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and standards being introduced. Professionals keep abreast of these developments, participate in training programmes and update their knowledge to ensure the best installation service. Independent electricians do not have access to this information, so by choosing them you risk buying an outdated and possibly inefficient system. The cost of professional work is outweighed by the assurance of safety and maximum long-term performance.

Unqualified installers often make mistakes when installing a power converter and earthing

Modern solar power systems are equipped with intelligent solutions that control the operation of the plant and prevent fires. Unfortunately, there are some self-trained installers who simply switch these systems off, as the switches react to the smallest errors during the installation process and prevent the modules from working. It is easier for a non-electrical installer to disable a security system than to correct a mistake.The inverter is also worth keeping in mind. This is a voltage converter that changes the solar module's direct current into household AC electricity. The device itself should be chosen responsibly. An inverter from an unknown manufacturer and a cheaper inverter will deteriorate quickly and its efficiency will decrease over time. The inverter generates a lot of heat and must be installed in a designated location, which has been previously assessed by a professional. Poor installation can be the Achilles heel of a solar inverter - the device will overheat and cause a short circuit or fire.Solar power plants are rarely struck by lightning, but this should not be dismissed out of hand. To avoid electrical overload and destabilisation, properly earth the solar power plant equipment. The conductor will direct the current to ground and keep the user safe. "It is not only the case that the earthing of a power plant is not done properly, it is even refused. Earthing takes time and requires specific knowledge, as you need to know how to wire a special rod that has been driven to a certain depth. An inexperienced installer may seek to save money by choosing a rod, but is subject to strict requirements. After all, you don't want lightning to damage not only the solar plant but also your property during a storm," says the expert, disarming yet another savings drive.

Solar power plant fires are mostly caused by poor electrical wiring

Electrical faults can occur anywhere in a solar installation, regardless of its size and complexity. Faulty components, such as inverters or charge controllers, can lead to electrical failures and fire hazards. Firefighters note that fires in solar power plants are often caused by problematic electrical protection solutions.In neighbouring Poland, in Racibórz, the roof of the town hall caught fire, while in the village of Nova Biala, 25 houses and 50 outbuildings were burnt and damaged. In Germany, 350 solar power system fires have occurred in two decades. In Italy alone, there were over 700 solar fires in 2012. All of them were caused by poor installation of the plant.The weakest part of a solar power plant is the electrical installation. For this reason, it is advisable not to experiment with the choice of wiring components and replace them with unsuitable or cheaper ones. Electrical installation work must be carried out by competent professionals.Only a properly installed solar power plant will be safe and efficient. Faults, cracks and other problems will require repairs, which can be costly. A quality solar power system that is correctly installed and properly maintained will not cause problems.

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